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We have an integrated education which pursues excellence in both academics and spirituality. Students are taught that faith and reason work hand in hand with one another. We teach our children how to be both faith-filled persons and critical thinkers at the same time. We don’t want your child to just be the next Socrates; we want them to be the next saint.

We consistently hear from parents about how wonderful and welcoming the entire community of St. Thomas the Apostle relates to one another. Our families are known for their strong support of one another. We welcome and encourage our parents to be present on the school campus.

We maintain smaller class sizes than comparable Catholic Schools. This gives greater one-on-one attention to our students and greatly improves the educational environment.

Not only do we have a weekly all-school Mass, but our 4th - 8th graders also attend one additional Mass per week.  Also, all of our children make regular visits to the Church to grow in their relationship with Jesus.  We hold to the traditional maxim that grace perfects nature.  

We have challenging academics which prepare our graduates the ability to excel at whatever High School they choose.  The vast majority of our graduates continue on to Catholic High School; most of them choosing Brophy and Xavier College Prep. Not only do the vast majority of them get accepted, but many are accepted with honors.

To further distinguish our school from others, both of our priests are active in our school.  Our pastor and parochial vicar teach religion weekly in our Junior High.  Our campus minister also teaches religion in the Junior High. The children of St. Thomas the Apostle also benefit greatly from the presence of three women religious who teach in our school.

As further evidence of the high quality of our academic programs, this year our 7th and 8th Grade classes placed in the 99% percentile of the nation on their ITBS. Our entire school placed in the 96% of the nation.

Two thirds of our teachers have Master's Degrees or higher and half of them have been teaching at St. Thomas for ten years or more. This is an indication of the stability of our faculty, as well as their commitment to our school.

Our athletic program is known for its quality and excellence. Our teams are always among the best in the city.

It is important that students have a well-rounded education. To achieve this we also offer a fine arts program which includes art, drama and music. Our students also participate in National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, and honors programs which allow a differentiated learning environment.