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Diocesan Safe Environment Training Program – Called to Protect

Thank you to all the parents who have participated in the new diocesan mandated Safe Environment Training Program, Called to Protect. The mission of protecting our children, whether they are at church, attending our school, at home or out in the community is on-going and can never be taken for granted. We all share in the responsibility to safeguard our children.

At this time all paid professional and support staff as well as the majority of the St. Thomas the Apostle School parents have taken the training.

Parents or family members who wish to volunteer on campus or for field trips must be certified in the Safe Environment Program. During the first two weeks of a new school year, two training sessions will be available to new families and returning families who have never been certified. Returning families that have been certified can take the refresher session on line through the diocesan website


If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mrs. Mary Coffman, Principal, or Mrs. Pam Hudgins, School Counselor, at 602-954-9088.